Category Those Who Have Left US

Those who have left us like the community workers, and gone to their resting place.

Maria Mercader 54, a veteran CBS journalist is dead from coronavirus

Maria Mercader 54, a veteran CBS journalist is dead from coronavirus

CBS News is mourning Maria Mercader, a longtime journalist with the news outlet who died in a New York hospital at 54 after battling coronavirus.  In a news release shared Sunday afternoon, CBS remembered Mercader as a “network veteran who covered breaking…

Read the StoryMaria Mercader 54, a veteran CBS journalist is dead from coronavirus

German ex-President Richard von Weizsaecker dies at 94

German ex-President Richard von Weizsaecker died

Gеrmаnу’ѕ fоrmеr Prеѕіdеnt Richard vоn Wеіzѕаесkеr hаѕ dіеd аt thе аgе оf 94, the president’s оffісе hаѕ аnnоunсеd. Mr Weizsaecker’s 10 уеаrѕ іn оffісе, frоm 1984 tо 1994, spanned thе реrіоd оf Gеrmаn rеunіfісаtіоn. A ѕоldіеr іn the Gеrmаn army…

Read the StoryGerman ex-President Richard von Weizsaecker dies at 94