10 Saddest Celebrity Deaths

From the unexpected death of Aaliyah to the sudden death of Michael Jackson, here are 10 Saddest Celebrity Deaths.

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The List: "10 Saddest Celebrity Deaths"

– Kurt Cobain
– Paul Walker
– Heath Ledger
– Whitney Houston
– Robin Williams
– Aaliyah
– Elvis Presley
– Marilyn Monroe
– Selena
– Michael Jackson

Music: "Passing Time" By Kevin Macleod

10 Saddest Celebrity Deaths

Please watch: "10 Greatest Movie Scores"



  1. I miss MJ, Whitney, and Robin:(
    They need to make an update and put Prince in the video.

  2. there are no “saddest” deaths.. Every death is equally sad, whether it be
    someone famous or an unknown person in Africa somewhere.

  3. The saddest for me is Freddie Mercury for the simple reason i will never
    have the chance to see him live on stage.

  4. Amy Winehouse, she was sad. Also Christopher Lee that death was so sad.
    Saddest of all should be John Merrick the elephant man

  5. Farokkh Bulsara aka Larry Lurex aka Freddie Mercury?

  6. i agree Michael’s death was the saddest, and that’s because he was loved,
    not because I’m a crazed fan

  7. Other then Selena, who was murdered, I have a hard time feeling bad for any
    of these people.

    • +MoveOn You’re right, if you ever get the time, watch the documentary,
      Montage of Heck. Whether you care nor not about Cobain, it really does show
      how people can’t control depression. And Kurt never ever felt sorry for
      himself, never talked about his drug use or depression.

    • +Hunter Dvorak yes John Lennon was an icon, but he was a wife beater. I
      mean I was watching peoples reaction to Cobain’s death after the 90s. And
      people were so ignorant to say John Lennon was so peaceful and kindhearted,
      and Cobain was a stupid junky who was money hungry. Cobain never talked
      about his drug use due to the fact that he didn’t wanna influence anyone,
      never talked about his depression, and didn’t beat his wife. John Lennon is
      not a good person and should not be on this list.

    • +hi alsdasdasd It looks like I was wrong about K Cobain. Please forgive my
      ignorance concerning him. I just never was much of a fan of Nirvana.
      Perhaps that clouded my judgement .

    • +Ronald Lapp Nah its all good, I am just so upset you know I am not a big
      fan of recorded Nirvana songs, I love listening to Live concerts, Live at
      Reading Festival 1992, Live at the Paramount, MTV Unplugged, etc and it
      just angers me because it looks so cool. And Kurt was a cool dude, sad to
      see he took his own life. I get a little defensive when it comes to him,
      huge icon in my opinion.

    • +The Joker Clown Prince Of Crime YOU CANT SPEAK WITH ME

    • +First Name Last Name no he wasn’t driving the guy that’s driving it’s his

    • So I take it you knew Paul Walker then. I mean you knew him well enough to
      know he was a twat…. Oh wait I forgot, i takes one to know one. Yeah
      that’s how you know. It’s clear to me now.

    • LOL Hell IDK just running my mouth. Randy Rhoads should be on this list is
      all I KNOW.

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